Happy August Already,
If you are new - WELCOME!
If you have been here awhile - THANK YOU!
Where has 2022 gone? Too fast for me and we have been busy here at Flo-Yo Travel. So far this year we have been learning from Retreat Leaders Live interviews. Been Dreaming in the Daylight – bringing your retreat plan into reality. And I have been working with dozens of transformational leaders to build their retreat based businesses.
Do you have the capacity to add new income into your business?
Do you have a vision of increasing your impact and gaining more clients with retreats?
Become a Founder in my new Retreat Roadmap IMPACT experience where leaders/entrepreneurs/CEOS learn/create/implement in-person events they enjoy, profit from, and can replicate with clarity, and ease.
You would be a great fit if you are an established thought leader/coach:
that has developed a program/content for client transformation.
You have client results that show these transformational outcomes.
You want to increase your impact and income WITH intention
- and you want to create a retreat experience that makes you money, that you get to enjoy yourself, and leaves you with raving fans and loyal clients.

During this one on one experience (typically, 4 hours, that YOU set the schedule for), using my signature IMPACT Retreat Roadmap, we will:
Co-create your intentional vision to lead repeatable retreats
Use my formulated Retreat Calculator Tool to determine your profitability potential
Design your IMPACT Retreat Roadmap that ensures you are a relaxed and present leader from start to finish.
By the end of the summer you could have your retreat content, calendar and profit margins ready to go for 2023 and beyond! If you are interested in learning more about this unique initiative, I would like to have a conversation. Take advantage of a Founder rate of $1750 (instead of $3500) through August.
Sound good?